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Our correspondents are on the ground right now, witnessing these events firsthand. Because our journalists actually live in these communities, they know the stories and people behind these protests – and tell you how these events will impact your life. Please support our reporting today.
I really love your philosophy and initiative. Thank you and keep up the good work! People of Europe need it.
– Ingaborg, LatviaI’m glad I signed up. It gives me a good overview of European news. Thank you
– Kathy, SpainThanks for helping keeping the European dream alive in this post brexit wilderness
– Ben, United KingdomI am new to the Newsletter, but it is filling a gap I did not realise was there. Keep going!
– C., PortugalI absolutely love the project and the newsletter so much! It's so incredibly important!
– Anna L., AustriaWith your help, we can create true European journalism. Thank you!
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We are not for profit. Every donated euro goes directly into The European Correspondent. With your donation, we can pay our bills, remunerate our correspondents fairly and make European journalism available to a wider audience.
We believe European quality journalism leads to better-informed citizens on our continent, so we want to keep our content accessible to anyone – without a paywall.