Your questions for Europe and the world

Your questions deserve answers. Over the coming months and years, our journalists will work on that. But we can only be your research team and find the answers to your questions with your support. No matter the amount, every euro matters. Do you support us?

We asked you what questions you want our correspondents to answer. We'll update this page periodically with links to our articles that answer your questions.

How do we engage with our neighbouring countries? How do we engage with former colonies?
How could the EU be reorganised to be more democratic?
How can cities successfully combat urban heating caused by the climate crisis?
How does the EU pass legislation?
How can we create a moonshot moment for Europe together?
How can the EU find a way to make EU farmers supportive of climate change action?

With your help, we can create true European journalism. Thank you!

How do we engage with our neighbouring countries? How do we engage with former colonies?
How could the EU be reorganised to be more democratic?
How can cities successfully combat urban heating caused by the climate crisis?
How does the EU pass legislation?
How can we create a moonshot moment for Europe together?
How can the EU find a way to make EU farmers supportive of climate change action?
How can governments do big, complicated things? (Transitioning to green energy, etc.)
Where are we headed? What is the blueprint for a “utopia” in Europe?
What would be the effective political or educational action against populism, nationalism, and anti-democratic trends in Europe?
How can Europe become self-sustainable and resilient, so it is no longer dependent on powers like Russia, the USA, or China?
How can the EU help mitigate price gouging?
What's the alternative to nuclear power?
What are the current obstacles to establishing a common EU defense force, and is it realistically possible?
How do we solve the housing crisis?
Would investing into potential solutions come from divesting funding from green investments that have become really expensive?
How does European policy impact animal welfare?
What can we actually do against the mass extinction event going on?
What do Europeans have in common, what makes us European?
What to do with the issue of richer European countries attracting loads of people from the poorer ones?
How to tackle the continent-wide housing crisis?
Who owns Europe's media?
How will Europe adapt to AI with an intelligence level at Einstein x10?
How to get rid of the veto of EU member states?
What are labour standards in different European countries? How are they interconnected?
How can the EU ensure that European citizens feel safe amidst global instability?
Does legalising drugs help fight substance abuse?
How can we create a hopeful, constructive narrative for Europe?
How can legislation adapt to keep up with technological advancements while avoiding excessive bureaucracy?
How can we revive European pop culture and avoid an American-centric media and entertainment landscape?
How can European media outlets expand to cover a larger audience?
How can we manage to fulfill the Paris Agreement?
Why is science not better? Funding has increased incredibly but results have not.
How do movements work?
What will the EU do if Russia invades an EU country?
How do we build cities with public spaces where people can actually come together?
How can we change public subsidies away from aviation and instead to a European train network?
How do we get to the point where we extract 0 unsustainable resources?
How can Europe play a respected role in a real peace process in the Middle East?
How can and will the EU expand?
Would Norway and other EEC-members be better off by joining the EU as full members? Would the EU be better off?
How do we build cities with public spaces where people can actually come together?
What does it take to make Europe actually independent from the US regarding security?
What does an ambitious space programme look like for Europe?
Is there a European identity, and how does the EU shape this?
What are the priorities of the new European Commission in the next five years?
How can AI assist in tackling public mental health challenges?
How do we get 100% of Europeans to speak English?
Why does Europe not have a unified rail network and what do we need to get there?
How to combat price inflation such that consumer purchasing power returns to pre-covid levels while ensuring economic growth?
How do we re-educate European populations to accept that they need immigration, and that immigrants improve communities?
Should the EU have a bicameral parliament and a European federal law enforcement agency?
How can we effectively redistribute money from the world's wealthiest?
How can we address the mental health crisis?
Is democracy a suicidal system if it allows anti-democratic movements to rise?
How will AI impact the future of languages in Europe?
How will European cities cope with changing (water) weather patterns - rising sea levels, excess rainfall, storms etc?
Is Europe ready for another pandemic?
How can Europe best prepare to become a home to climate refugees in the next 50-70 years?
How would parties have to be structured to ensure that voters get good candidates?
Why does Britain drive on the left?
How should migration be organised for people to stop dying in the Mediterranean and to answer to Europe's dying population?
Should the EU focus on reducing its dependency on the world or collaborate with others to strengthen resilience?
Would common debt ensure EU competitiveness?
What are successful strategies to counter the rise of the far-right?
What is happening with the promised EU army?
How can I keep up with upcoming legislation, and what is the best way to lobby for the result I would like to see?
When will the Western Balkan countries join the EU?
How can Europe balance environmental protection with agricultural interests?

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