Climate crisis

Our waste policy? “Ship it to Türkiye”

The EU exports its plastic waste to other countries, most notably to Türkiye. Since China's ban on plastic imports in 2018, Türkiye became the world's foremost plastics importer. Despite Türkiye’s commendable efforts in recycling a significant portion of its plastic waste – reportedly more than 18% – challenges persist, particularly in regions like Mersin and Adana, where recycling plants operate. These facilities raised concerns about health hazards for workers, including respiratory illnesses and reproductive problems.

Moreover, Türkiye’s plastic recycling industry often relies on vulnerable refugees, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan, who face precarious working conditions and lack adequate social protections. Despite initial efforts by the Turkish government to ban plastic imports in response to a public outcry, such measures were later reversed, leading to continued environmental degradation.

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